Saturday, May 9, 2009

julie's triathlon demons part one - downhills on the bike

So this is the sign that strikes fear into my heart! Most triathletes i'm sure love the sight of this or at least prefer it to the 'up' one. Sigh. I even have Down Escalator Terror - i either take the lift or the stairs or i apply the 'tuck in behind a bunch of people and only look at their feet' strategy to get onto the moving horror steps. 'Lost Cause' i can hear you sniggering. Anyway believe it or not i AM improving and some downhills i am even starting to enjoy! Today someone even remarked 'but you were going quite fast' (that must have been the bit where i had my eyes shut). I still have no feeling in my hands and brake lever indentations in my fingers though from yesterday where i managed to descend the top and bottom part of one vertically (to me) downward stretch but still had to walk the middle bit (Really Steep - honest even someone else agreed with me - so there!). During which time i did my usual 'just checking my bike' act which attracted a passing local in a car who wanted to take me for breakfast, a pleasant lady in a car who bombed past me only to drive back up to see if i was ok, and two more cyclists who thought i was struggling going up and clearly didn't believe me when i said i was going down, actually! Mr Felt (my bike) disowns me at times like this and pretends he's waiting for his real rider who is totally fearless. I have six days until my next downhill challenge and i am not going to sleep all week!! Actually that may help, as I at least won't have nightmares!