Sunday, May 31, 2009

austria 70.3 episode seven!

mr Felt, locked in, loaded up, looking mean!

Race morning kicked off with 4.30am brekky at gasthoff bohm, everyone a bit quiet and guzzling nervously. Drove to race venue, luckily had left plenty of time in case i got lost again, was glad i did as parking took forever. It was a bit chilly and drizzling at this point. Went to prepare Mr Felt...this is the bit i have been told not to tell anyone about - my not so secret any longer pre-race strategy!! On the morning of a race my nervousness seems to manifest itself into an inability to not be able to inflate my tyres - whatever i do the air just comes out! So i usually get someone to help me, and so as not to appear Totally pathetic i have a Strategy. Some time ago during a flight my bike pump got broken - it works, but looks appropriately damaged. So i claim that it's just broken ('oh no!') and get some passing unsuspecting person with their own pump to inflate my tyres for me!! It has worked every time so far, however having admitted this i may become known as the Girl with the 'Broken' pump and people will just ignore me and snigger, or maybe i will ask the same person and they might say 'didn't you have a broken pump at that race back in 2005?' haha!

Anyway i got some poor frazzled guy to sort out Mr Felt's race feet, gave him a pat (mr Felt, not the guy...maybe i gave them both a pat in my blur of churning nervousness!) and headed off on the long trek to the swim start...