Wednesday, May 27, 2009

austria 70.3 episode two!

So, Austria 70.3 was supposed to be a training day in preparation for IMUK, which has now turned into a 'training day' - more about why another time. The week before austria that original training day intention turned into a 'go get it girl' day. I thought austria would be good preparation for the UK in that it could be chilly and wet (it wasn't) and hilly (it was). I really wanted to challenge myself on a hilly course to see if i could climb and if i could get over my fear of descending (see 'julie's triathlon demons' below for more on this!). It has taken me 8 years but with a bit of magic dust chucked at me on a recent Hatta-Kalba ride I am starting slowly to get over the fear! Good quote coming up: 'a lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could'. I guess it's a lot to do with trust but I was wondering if I could do the same painfully slow hanging onto the brakes for dear life teeth grinding descent (this IS the improvement by the way!) when out there on my own. You will have to read on to see if i could!