Friday, May 8, 2009

bringing it up to date

Apparently i need to keep my blog up to date (have been seeking blog advice!) so here's an overview of the week before it runs away into another one. It's been a blur of training, work, tri talks and not much sleep (normal week then!). It's been a week of cycling hills - two done, one session to go tomorrow, coaching others, being coached, being spontaneously 'life coached' by some very special people drawn into my life right now...who the hell needs negativity??! so much positivity in my life, time to get rid of those crabs in a bucket!
Time also to face two of my triathlon demons - wetsuits and downhills - which to most triathletes are Good Things rather than Bad Things! More to follow tomorrow on these issues with pictorial back up!
More pressing now though is dinner with my tri camp crew, one of whom is celebrating his 56 years young birthday. we have had a great day of mountains, pool and grass and now off to trough to fuel up for tomorrow. Who exhausted who more - the coach the crew or the other way around is up for debate, but hopefully they like me more than they said they did earlier in the pool!!!! :-)